Tom Kuhlmann

Chief Learning Architect

Hi, I’m Tom, your host of The Rapid E-Learning Blog. I am passionate about learning and technology. I have over 20 years experience in the training industry where I’ve developed hundreds of hours of elearning and managed elearning and training projects at Capital One, Washington Mutual, and Weyerhaeuser.

I have a Master’s in Education Technology from Pepperdine, where I researched how to cultivate communities of practice through the development of personal expertise. Currently, I run the user community for Articulate with a focus on building a passionate community of rapid elearning developers.

Are You Building the Right Type of E-Learning Course?

Discover how to avoid wasting time and money on overly complex e-learning courses. Focus on developing the best possible course with your limited resources.

Less is More: From Content Overload to Performance Improvement

Learn to create impactful e-learning by shifting from content-heavy courses to performance-focused training that delivers measurable business outcomes.

5 Ways Interactive Scenarios Supercharge E-Learning

E-learning courses with decision-making scenarios create a bridge between the course’s content and the learner’s ability to use it by putting it into practice. This prepares learners for real workplace challenges—all in a safe environment.

How to Create Performance-Focused E-Learning

Avoid the “information dump” trap with these practical tips for creating training to improve performance.

Build Scenarios For Different Experience Levels

Interactive scenarios effectively challenge learners to practice real-world situations. This is how to build them for everyone from novice to skilled learners.

Building E-Learning That Works

We typically build three primary types of courses. This post explores everything from info dumps to problem-solving courses—and answers which is most effective and creating change.