Quizmaker 360: Customizing the Quiz Player

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In Quizmaker 360, the player refers to the interface around the perimeter of your quiz slides. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to customize the quiz player.

You can choose which features appear on the player, modify the colors and font, change the text labels, adjust the size, and control how the quiz behaves when learners launch it more than once. You can even make the player invisible.

Watch this video introduction, then follow the activities below to practice.

Practice Activities:

  1. Open the Player Properties
  2. Choose Your Player Features
  3. Customize the Question List
  4. Change the Colors, Font, and Font Size
  5. Customize the Text Labels
  6. Change the Player Size and Resume Behavior
  7. Save Your Customized Player

Practice Activity: Open the Player Properties

First, we need to open the player properties.

  1. Open PracticePlayerSetup.quiz from your practice files.
  2. Go to the Home tab on the Quizmaker ribbon and click Player.
  3. Notice the three main sections of the player properties window:
    • Player categories appear on the ribbon across the top of the window.
    • The selection pane on the left side of the window is where you make modifications.
    • The interactive preview pane on the right side of the window updates automatically as you makes changes.
Player Properties in Articulate Quizmaker 360

Practice Activity: Choose Your Player Features

The player properties window always opens directly to the Features category where you can choose which features to include on your player, such as title, question list, volume controller, and seekbar. It’s also where you choose the answer submission method for question slides.

Let’s hide a couple player features and set the answer submission method.

  1. Uncheck the Quiz title box. Notice that the interactive preview updates with your change.
  2. Select Submit one question at a time for the answer submission method.
  3. Uncheck the Volume box.
Player Features in Articulate Quizmaker 360

To learn more about the player features, see this user guide.

Practice Activity: Customize the Question List

In this activity, we’ll customize the question list by renaming the slides and locking the navigation.

  1. Click Question List on the player properties ribbon.
  2. Rename the first slide by double-clicking it, typing a new name, and pressing Enter on your keyboard. Name it Question 1.

    Tip: Renaming slides only affects how they look in the question list. It doesn’t impact the question text on the slides in your quiz.
  3. Hide slide 2 by selecting it and clicking the eye icon below the question list.

    Tip: Hiding slides doesn’t remove them from your quiz. It just prevents them from showing in the question list.
  4. Click the gear icon below the question list to see additional options.
  5. Mark the box to Wrap long question list item titles.
Question List Properties in Articulate Quizmaker 360

To learn more about customizing the question list, see this user guide.

Practice Activity: Change the Colors, Font, and Font Size

In this activity, we’ll change the color scheme for our quiz player, choose a different font, and increase the player font size.

  1. Click Colors & Effects on the player properties ribbon.
  2. Select a different color scheme.
  3. Change the player font to Articulate Light.
  4. Increase the player font size to 120%
Color and Font Properties in Articulate Quizmaker 360

To learn more about changing the player colors, font, and font size, see this user guide.

Note: Currently, the color and font options only apply to the standard player, not the responsive player. See this interactive demo to know which player properties are supported in the responsive player.

Practice Activity: Customize the Text Labels

In this activity, we’ll make a change to one of the player text labels.

  1. Click Text Labels on the player properties ribbon.
  2. Scroll down to the label called Question drop-down list for Quizmaker quizzes.
  3. Click the custom text field for this label and change it to QUESTIONS.
  4. Click Update Preview below the text labels list and watch the Question List tab change in the preview pane.
Text Labels in Articulate Quizmaker 360

To learn more about customizing the player text labels, see this user guide.

Practice Activity: Change the Player Size and Resume Behavior

In this activity, we’ll change how the player scales in learners’ browsers and how the quiz behaves when learners launch it more than once.

  1. Click Other on the player properties ribbon.
  2. Set the Player size property to Scale player to fill browser window.
  3. Change the resume behavior by setting the On restart property to Always resume.
Size and Resume Properties in Articulate Quizmaker 360

Practice Activity: Save Your Customized Player

Finally, let’s save our custom player, so we can use it with other Quizmaker quizzes.

  1. Click Current Player on the ribbon and choose Save as.
  2. Give your custom player a name and click OK.
  3. If you don’t want to keep the custom player we created in this tutorial, click Current Player on the ribbon and choose Delete.

To learn more about saving custom players, switching to a different player, and sharing custom players, see this user guide.


In this tutorial, you learned how to customize the quiz player in Quizmaker 360, including features, colors, font, text labels, size, and resume behavior.

To dive even deeper into player customization, see this user guide.

In the next tutorial, we’ll publish a quiz.