Storyline: Question Types

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This article lists the question types that are available in Storyline. Storyline has 20 form-based questions, consisting of graded and survey questions, plus six freeform questions. Check out the following definitions.

Graded Questions

These are form-based questions where you set a correct answer and can assign points to compute a score.


True/False is a graded question that requires the learner to select one correct choice from two choices. Questions are usually in the form of a statement that is either true or false.

Multiple Choice

Multiple Choice is a graded question that requires the learner to select one correct choice from a maximum of 10 possible choices.

Multiple Response

Multiple Response is a graded question that requires the learner to select all the correct choices from a maximum of 10 possible choices. You can set any number of correct choices.


Fill-in-the-Blank is a graded question that requires the learner to type the answer in a blank field. There's only one correct answer to this type of question, but you can enter up to 10 variations of the response.

Word Bank

Word Bank is a graded question that requires the learner to drag and drop the correct choice into the empty box. The learner must select one correct choice from a maximum of 10 possible choices.

Matching Drag-and-Drop

Matching Drag-and-Drop is a graded question that requires the learner to drag and drop items in the second column to match items in the first column. There's a maximum of 10 matching pairs. All items in the match column must correctly correspond to all items in the choice column for the question to be graded as correct.

Matching Drop-down

Matching Drop-down is a graded question that requires the learner to select items from drop-down menus to match items in the first column. There's a maximum of 10 matching pairs. All items in the match column must correctly correspond to all items in the choice column for the question to be graded as correct.

Sequence Drag-and-Drop

Sequence Drag-and-Drop is a graded question that requires the learner to drag and drop items to arrange them in sequence. There's a maximum of 10 sequence items. All items must be in the proper sequence for the question to be graded as correct.

Sequence Drop-down

Sequence Drop-down is a graded question that requires the learner to select items from drop-down menus to arrange them in sequence. There's a maximum of 10 sequence items. All items must be in the proper sequence for the question to be graded as correct.


Numeric is a graded question that requires the learner to enter the correct numeric value. Specify a single number, a range of numbers, or any combination thereof. The learner can only enter numbers, decimals, and hyphens (for negative numbers) when answering this question.


Hotspot is a graded question that requires the learner to click the correct area within the image. Specify the correct area with a rectangle, an oval, or a freeform shape.

Survey Questions

These form-based questions have no correct answers and can be used to collect responses.

Likert Scale

Likert Scale is a survey question that allows the learner to choose the response that best represents their opinion relative to a series of statements. There's a maximum of 10 statements for each Likert Scale question, and you can set up to 10 points for the scale.

Pick One

Pick One is a survey question that allows the learner to choose a single item from a maximum of 10 choices.

Pick Many

Pick Many is a survey question that allows the learner to choose multiple items from a maximum of 10 choices.

Which Word

Which Word is a survey question that allows the learner to drag and drop the word that best represents their opinion. There's a maximum of 10 choices.

Short Answer

Short Answer is a survey question that allows the learner to enter a short, freeform response. Learner responses can be up to 256 characters long.


Essay is a survey question that allows the learner to enter a long, freeform response. The default response length is limited to 5,000 characters, but you can increase this limit.

Ranking Drag-and-Drop

Ranking Drag-and-Drop is a survey question that allows the learner to drag and drop items to rank them in preferential order. There's a maximum of 10 ranking items.

Ranking Drop-down

Ranking Drop-down is a survey question that allows the learner to select items from drop-down menus to rank them in preferential order. There's a maximum of 10 ranking items.

How Many

How Many is a survey question that allows the learner to enter a numeric response. The learner can only enter numbers, decimals, and hyphens (for negative numbers) in answering the question.

Freeform Questions

Freeform questions let you turn ordinary slide objects—like pictures, shapes, characters, text boxes, and markers—into engaging interactions.

Drag and Drop

Drag-and-Drop questions create interactivity by setting objects as drag items and drop targets.

Pick One

Pick One questions let the learner choose an object as an answer.

Pick Many

Pick Many questions let the learner choose more than one object as an answer.

Text Entry

Text-Entry questions let the learner type their answer in a text field.


Hotspot questions let the learner click interactive hotspots on the slide.

Shortcut Key

Shortcut Key questions let the learner answer with a keystroke or key combination.