Enlarged images of the AI Assistant experience.

Meet your new
AI Assistant

Build better courses up to 9x faster with the magic of AI

Unlock creativity and productivity with
AI magic

The #1 elearning platform for creating workplace training is now more powerful with integrated AI. Create course content up to 9x faster by guiding AI Assistant to generate and polish content to perfection.

AI Assistant video

AI, the right way

Stay in the driver’s seat. AI Assistant accelerates online course creation, but doesn’t take it over. Our proprietary AI Assistant is trained in instructional design, so you’ll get high-quality help,
every time.

The AI Assistant experience in Rise, in which a person working at a laptop uploads a source document and it's transformed into an Onboarding course.

Your creative partner

Lean on AI Assistant to outline and draft content for your courses. You can point AI Assistant to your own source material or prompt it to research information for you. AI Assistant frees up your time, so you can be more creative.

A person generates a block based on their course outline using AI. It suggests two topics: Embrace Curiosity or Curate a Creative Environment.

Better, faster creation

Get industry-leading, high-quality course authoring, accelerated with AI. With AI Assistant integrated into Rise and Storyline, you’ll create exceptional online courses up to 9x times faster.

A course creator asks AI to change the tone of their course title to confident. Other options include: professional, casual, friendly, custom, etc.

Dazzle your learners 

Bring course content to life with gorgeous imagery. Ask AI Assistant to generate images in your preferred visual style or create your own for a custom look. AI Assistant makes it feel like you have your very own art department at your fingertips.

A grid of four AI-generated images in a similar style alongside the description used to generate the images.

Polish to perfection 

AI Assistant makes it easy to draft compelling content. With a click, AI Assistant can change your writing tone and style, check your grammar, improve readability, and even generate additional content.

AI text-editing options: improve or simplify, fix spelling/grammar, make shorter/longer, change tone/audience, turn into bullets, and bold key terms.

Generate assessments in a snap

Save time building high-quality quizzes and knowledge checks by asking AI Assistant to generate unique assessments from your course material. You can even set a focus topic and level of difficulty, and AI Assistant will craft effective questions that help reinforce learning lightning-fast.

AI Assistant quiz generation interface in Rise. The creator can provide additional information like learning objectives or the level of difficulty.

Responsible AI

You’re always in control with AI Assistant. Articulate requires zero data retention with our AI subprocessors and we never use your content to train our AI. You and your team can rest easy knowing that AI Assistant is built for transparency, equity, security, and privacy. 

A person is looking intently at a laptop screen in a workplace setting.

AI Assistant is exactly the force multiplier
that I have been looking for.

Code 42 logo
Alex Matheson Education Services Manager, Code42

The world’s leading elearning platform for creating workplace training

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