Resource Center » Rapid E-Learning

Rapid E-Learning

How Online Learning Needs to Change

Explore four ways online learning can move beyond basic explainer courses to modern, impactful learning experiences.

Here’s How Scenario-based E-Learning Affects the Bottom Line

E-learning offers ample opportunities for learners to practice tasks and gain experience in a controlled setting—without disrupting work. Check out these examples.

Are Your E-Learners Expecting a Good Training Experience?

To bridge the disconnect between course designers and participants, set clear expectations to ensure courses are meaningful to the learner. Here’s how.

How to Pitch Course Design Ideas to Your Customer

Ever wonder how to present e-learning course ideas to your customers? Try these tips to work with a client and get the best approach to e-learning course design.

7 Ideas to Help Make an Online Course Less Boring

Sometimes courses don’t have much to say in content. But even dreaded compliance courses can be less snooze-inducing with the right tactics. Read on for simple tips to make required courses more compelling.

How to Keep Customers Satisfied and Build the Right Course

What do you do when the client requests a project that will probably fail? These three tips will help you steer them in the right direction—and keep them happy.

Are You a Bridge Building Course Designer?

Course designers build the connection between two stakeholders: the organization and the learner. Meeting both needs is key to meaningful and engaging learning.

Building Practice & Prove-It Learning Experiences for E-Learning

Content is part of the learning experience, but a complete e-learning course includes opportunities to “practice and prove” what they learned.

Does E‑Learning Live Up to Its Promise?

There’s a disconnect about what we expect from e-learning and what we deliver. Here’s a pragmatic approach on delivering the promise of e-learning.