E-Learning Glossary Knowledge Check

Knowledge Check

Sara Heegaard November 12, 2024 1 min read

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What is a knowledge check?

A knowledge check is a touchpoint in an e-learning course where learners can gauge how well they understand the course material. Often, they’re structured like a quiz, with a selection of questions and potential answers about the material covered in the course. However, they are typically not graded or tracked. Instead, their purpose is to engage learners while helping them understand how they’re performing. 

Example: I answered most of the knowledge check questions incorrectly in the corporate training program unit—now I know what I need to study for the final test. 

How do knowledge checks help the learning process? 

Knowledge checks give learners a moment to pause in the middle of a lesson and test their knowledge. From there, they can identify any knowledge gaps, learn correct answers, and know what to study to improve their understanding in the future.

Some knowledge checks may give learners immediate feedback after each question, while others might not reveal the correct answers until the end of the check. Many times, knowledge checks will provide additional context around the question to help users achieve better learning outcomes. 

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