Centro de recursos
Get top resources centered around online training with our comprehensive resource center. Explore blogs, case studies, guides, videos, and more.
The $1 Trillion Turnover Problem and How to Fix It
Employee turnover is $1T problem that keeps talent leaders awake at night. Learn best practices for attracting, retaining, and engaging your employees.
Content Type
Translation vs. Localization: What’s the Difference?
Compare the difference between translation vs. localization and find out how to choose the best approach for your global workforce training needs.
The Future of Employee Onboarding
Traditional onboarding is broken. On average, it takes 12 months for new employees to deliver enough value to offset the costs of hiring and training. Learn smart solutions to fast-track new hire success and engagement.
Casos de estudio
JindalX Delivers Interactive, Trackable Technical and Compliance Training With Articulate
Discover how JindalX leverages Articulate to create engaging, trackable, streamlined workplace training for over 1,500 learners.
Translation vs. Localization: What’s the Difference?
Compare the difference between translation vs. localization and find out how to choose the best approach for your global workforce training needs.
AI & E-Learning: 5 practical tips for course authoring
Discover 5 actionable tips to successfully integrate AI into your course authoring workflow. Improve your course creation process while keeping your expertise front and center.